Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Christmas and Believing Christ 12-22-2014

This week was the best. Last Tuesday we got to go to the Bierman family's house for our Christmas dinner. They were an incredible family. They made us feel SO at home and they live up this canyon (totally reminded me of driving up to Mission in the winter) in a gorgeous
house tucked into the woods. 

The Bierman Family and the Sistas
Sister Campelo and me

  But yesterday, was definitely the best part of my week. In the morning, we got to take a group of teens for their youth conference on a tour of Temple Square. Basically, I learned that being an EFY counselor would be the funnest summer job in the world. I love how they never want to talk or share their testimonies but when you finalllyyy get them to, it is the most powerful thing in the world. 
  So this week we have been working on cleaning out our area book. I was looking at all my Less Actives and there was this one guy who had come onto chat in like September, gave his information to a sister, she was never able to call him, she went home and gave his info. to me and I had never called him. 
So we decided to try him. 
  He answered the phone and we started talking and he just started telling us his entire life story. He said he served a mission 3 years ago and when he came home, his dad died and he just started losing hope and faith. He said he's still really active in church but he just feels like he isn't living up to be the person that God wants him to be. He said it's so hard because he knows the he is his own problem. 
  I didn't really know what to say except that I know that Jesus Christ has made it possible so that no matter how short we feel we are falling, there is always a way for us to return to live with our Father in Heaven. God didn't send us here to be perfect, he sent us here to try. 

  I've been thinking a lot about the book, "Believing Christ." (Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for giving it to me!) I only read the first like 3 chapters but what I read has really stuck with me. Jesus Christ has promised us that if we follow him with our whole heart, we will be blessed and we will be able to live with God and our families forever. When we feel like we cannot overcome things on our own, that is because we need our Savior. When we feel like there's no hope, we are not believing in Christ's promise to us. We are not believing in his power and ability to perfect us and to comfort and sustain us. 
  I am so imperfect at relying on my Savior. I always think I can just figure things out myself and I don't need anyone's help. But that is so not how I should be. Jesus Christ came to the earth so we would never have to be alone. No matter how much we feel like we are failing, we're not because Jesus Christ will always be there to make up the difference. I love him so much. I am so grateful for the Christmas season that we get to celebrate and remember the birth of our Savior.

  Jerrica, is one of my favorite people. She gets taught by one of the Sisters on Temple Square and we've ended up becoming really good friends. A few days ago we were just catching up and she shared her favorite scripture with me. 
  It's John 14:18 it says,
 "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you."
  It's so short but so powerful. That is exactly how the Savior taught. He will always come to our side when we need him. He will always be there to lift our burdens when we feel like we can't go any further. I know that with all my heart. 

  Love you all so much! I hope you eat loads of rolls for me on Christmas. 


Sister Helton

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